Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kitchen Wall Makeover: Before & After

Designer Alfonsina Romero dramatically improved the look of a once very plain kitchen wall with two windows by adding a splash of red paint to the back wall and combining both windows into one with an oversized woven shade. Alfonsina states: "When it comes to adding an intense paint color to a space, I always pick the window wall because the color will have a softer visual effect."

Monday, April 16, 2012

5 Ways to Organize Your Closet With AR and Closet Room

As a part of your annual spring cleaning, organizing and maximizing the space in your home should be priority. When you combine all of your out-of-season apparel, heaping shoe collection and oversized handbags that are too cute to throw away, your closets mimic the apocalypse.

 Closet Room understands how an organized space can take the clutter out of your day, and has provided the top five ways to organize your wardrobe with essential closet  storage items

The number one rule to an organized closet is to hang smart. Closet Room will provide the right type of hanger for your clothes: wire pants hangers, chrome hangers, cedar hangers, skinny felt hangers, and the adjustable extra rod to create more space to hang from.  Closet Room's new skinny felt hanger can maximize the space in your closet almost by 40%! You will see an incredible improvement if all your hangers match. 

Next, use Closet Room's Chrome Closet  unit if you need a quick solution that is fast, easy to install and even temporary.  It is an affordable alternative to an otherwise expensive custom closet. The Chrome Closet is functional and versatile, it expands from the hanging rod to accommodate your hanging as it increases. It also has adjustable shelving on the sides for folded clothes and to organize shoes.  At only 14" deep and expandable from 58"-83", the chrome closet unit will fit comfortably in any space. 
Organizing using your existing luggage pieces is the third best way to utilize storage in your closet. Using your existing luggage to store seasonal pieces is a creative and stylish way to keep clutter out of sight. They will be more accessible when it is time for a season change, and it's a plus if you want to show off nice luggage. Use carry-on size luggage to store items like rain boots, and even winter boots when it is summer time. During the winter months, store your shorts and flip flops in the same carry on.  
Closet Room's fifth tip is to purge your items regularly.  It sounds repetitive but doing a regular inventory of what you own can help you remember what you have and know what you no longer need. If you don't need it, put it in a box and donate it.  Designer and founder of Closet Room Alfonsina Romero recommends contacting an acquisitions specialist at the Angel Street Thrift Shop,  they will pick up your gently used items  (including furniture) promptly and incredibly hassle free! Located in Chelsea, The Angel Thrift Shop benefits the  LESC Foundation of NY. 

Closet Room is here to make your spring cleaning a smooth transition into summer with an array of closet storage items to maximize your space and wardrobe. For all design needs, consult the experts at Closet Room

To Summarize: 
1. Use the right hanger for your space and needs 
2. Use matching hangers 
3. Get a chrome closet unit: fits anywhere,  and looks great. 
4. Use your luggage for storage 
5. Purge your belongings regularly

Alfonsina Romero and Daria Demin for Design on a Dime

  Interior designers Alfonsina Romero-Waters (ARNY) and Daria Demin (Circa 22 Design Studio)  are collaborating to design a prohibition-insp...